Muriel Breteau

  As a Technical Application Specialist, Muriel is responsible for identifying and developing applications and runs a range of demos and workshops with Dolomite Bio’s single-cell technology. Prior to joining Dolomite Bio, Muriel completed a Master of Science in Biotechnology from École Supérieure de Biotechnologie, France and a Doctorate in Microbiology from the University of Warwick.


6 Stories by Muriel Breteau

Customizing single cell research protocols with Nadia Innovate

Away from the beaten tracks: customize your protocols with the Nadia Innovate and make single cell research work for you The use of high-throughput...
2 min read

Top 4 Improvements in Drop-Seq for scRNA-Seq research on Nadia

Transforming Drop-Seq – scRNA-Seq on Nadia In the fast-evolving world of genomics, a large amount of work has gone into helping Drop-Seq retain its...
6 min read

Single Cell research and gut health – publication spotlight

Single cell study of intestinal epithelial stem cells with the Nadia Digest of the publication: Discrete regulation of β-catenin-mediated transcription governs identity of intestinal...
3 min read

4 key tips to optimise bead flowability

When working with hard, non-deformable beads, on the Nadia platforms, it is important to follow several key actions to improve bead flowability and prevent...
2 min read

Get started: customizing single cell research

Why is customization important? The development of high-throughput single-cell techniques, including commercial solutions, over the last five years has made the analysis of thousands...
2 min read

The future of single cell research and recent developments

Since methods involving the capture of single cells in microfluidic droplets along with barcoded mRNA capture beads were first published in...
2 min read